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Where it All Started.....

All Trent Apothecary goods are handmade by Claire Wong at home in Newcastle-under-Lyme.   At the beginning Claire's fascination with soaps was purely about the process.  With a love of science and the scientific method Claire was driven to understand as much as possible about the soap making process as possible.


This love of the process turned into a love of the product.  The various ways there are to make all manner of items using age old techniques, adding different colours and fragrances, and experimenting with different techniques to produce wonderful unique items.


Claire realised she could create fabulous products that were superior to over the counter products that are designed with the minimum ingredients but maximum effectiveness.


Trent Apothecary now produces a range of different items that are loved by those that use them and wouldn't return back to commercially created products full of unnecessary additives and preservatives  


Q. Why are you called Trent Apothecary?
A. We are based in Newcastle-under-Lyme just outside of the Potteries.  Hence our amazing logo.  An apothecary can refer to a person or place that produces medicinal or herbal products.

Q. Are your products animal tested?
A. None of our products are animal tested

Q. Are your products vegan friendly?
A. Some of our products are, some contain Beeswax, so always best to check the ingredients

Q. How do I leave feedback?
A. Please complete the Send us a Message Section at the bottom of this page and we will try to get back to you as soon as we are able


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